Online Tutoring - Trained Online Tutors South Africa - BrightSparkz Tutors 

Online Tutoring Benefits

What is Online Tutoring?

Online tutoring is one-on-one tutoring that happens in an online environment, with learners and tutors in different physical locations, like their homes or offices. Our tutors commonly use Skype or Zoom to conduct online lessons. Both of these platforms offer video calling, messaging, screen sharing, and are free to use other than the normal data costs involved in any internet-based application. Online tutoring is an excellent and convenient alternative to face to face tutoring, and offers all of the same benefits!

The Benefits of Online Tutoring

There are various of reasons to opt for online tutoring instead of face to face tutoring, including:

  • The learner and tutor can be based anywhere in any time zone
  • You do not have to accommodate the tutor in your home
  • Lessons can begin and end promptly, making them more efficient
  • Online tutoring may be well suited to you if your child has a tight extra curricular schedules or who is in boarding school
  • Online tutoring is a great alternative if you’re an adult learner, who wants to fit tutoring in after work or who travels a lot
  • Lessons can be structured around web-based examples, so you don’t need to have as many resources available, and don’t need to print anything (textbooks can be in PDF form, videos can be used as a teaching aid)
  • Health concerns are negated by online tutoring
  • Any safety concerns you may have are negated
  • There is no travel cost (additional travel rates don’t apply)

What is the Online Tutoring Process?

Scheduled lesson times need to be upheld, even though the tutor isn’t travelling to you. Both the learner and tutor should be in a quiet environment. There should be no distractions or external noise, and they should use headphones if possible. Both parties should be online 5-10 minutes before the lesson is due to start. This is to check the audio, visual and connection in advance in order to start on time. 

The lesson will start in the same way as a face to face lesson, with the tutor checking in on the learner’s problem areas. The tutor will then begin to go through the work set for that lesson. They will use a slideshow, video presentation, or explain it themselves with props. Any lesson material used will be shared with the learner. After this, the learner will practice some examples, either on a virtual whiteboard, on a shared document like Google docs, or verbally. These will be checked and explained by the tutor, with opportunity for the learner to ask questions. 

At the conclusion of the lesson, the tutor will reinforce the major concepts of the lesson, set homework for the next lesson, and confirm the date and time of the next lesson. Both the learner and the tutor will then sign off. 

Is Online Tutoring for Me?

  • The learner needs to be a clear communicator
  • Online tutoring tends to work best with older learners, or with younger learners who have good self discipline and are very computer-savvy
  • For younger learners, you can set up a lesson at a time when you are at home, to help them set up Skype or Zoom and ensure the lesson gets started on time
  • You will need to have a computer, laptop or tablet on which to have lessons 
  • Headphones are also very helpful 
  • You’ll need to sign up for either Skype ( ) or Zoom (
  • Your internet connection must be fast and preferably uncapped (ADSL, fibre, fixed wifi)

Why You Shouldn’t Stop Lessons

It’s a scary time globally, with the Coronavirus outbreak causing massive disruptions in schools, workplaces and life in general. You may be tempted to postpone or even stop your face to face tutoring lessons. However, stopping your regular lessons can have far-reaching consequences. It’s so important for learners to have a routine and maintain consistency if they are to reach their goals. A break of even a few weeks can mean months of extra work on test and exam preparation. If you’re worried about face to face lessons, or if you or your child are sick, you can continue their learning support temporarily with online lessons. BrightSparkz’s online lesson packages work the same way as our regular packages. You can continue online lessons on your normal tutoring package. 


Still not sure if online tutoring is for you? Check out our demo online lessons here to see what you’re in for, or find out more about our online tutoring here.


Written by Tessa Cooper, BrightSparkz Blog Writer

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