Is It Worth Writing Matric Supplementary Exams?

Details regarding the combined May/June 2024 Amended Senior Certificate (adult Matric) and National Senior Certificate examination will be communicated to candidates in due course. Candidates are encouraged by the Department of Education to use this additional time to continue with their examination preparations. Find out more here


*Adults that qualify to write the 2025 Senior Certificate examination must register for the examination from 01 October 2024 until 07 February 2025. Registration can be done online or at any education district office.*

Should you write supplementary exams?

If you have written your Matric examinations and your results were disappointing, you have an option to improve your results.  Perhaps you passed Grade 12 but failed to get the results you need for that university course you want? Maybe you failed Matric and won’t get a Matric certificate? And now you’re concerned about not being able to get a job without one?  

Matric rewrite supplementary exam

Whatever your reasons may be, writing supplementary Matric exams is an option to consider. There are major benefits to doing so, even though the thought of putting your life back a year is daunting. Yes, your friends may be moving on to greater things like tertiary study, working, or taking a gap year while you are stuck doing Matric work again! And yes, you can’t bear the thought of doing the same schoolwork again when you could not wait to put it behind you. Yes, you are disappointed at this roadblock in your life which right now feels like a devastating blow!

It’s tough, we know

You have taken a serious knock to your self-confidence and you’re not sure which direction to follow. If you passed overall, should you give up your dreams of getting a university entrance or studying a specific field because your marks were not good enough? Should you settle for something else? If you failed your Matric exams, is it worth it to rewrite and get a Matric certificate? Should you suffer through the pain of trying to improve your Maths and Science marks? Will it really make a difference? Perhaps you were not planning to study further anyway, so why bother?

Good questions! However, you need to look beyond the here and now for your answers. Why give up your dreams if it is possible to still reach for them (even though it may be a little inconvenient now?). What happens if you settle for something else and you regret it later, or decide after a few years of working that you would like to study again but you don’t have a Matric certificate?

Benefits of having a matric certificate

Having a Matric certificate gives you more options in life in terms of job opportunities, and who doesn’t like having options? You will find it difficult to find employment without Matric and even then, the most menial type of work possible. It may seem unimportant to you now as it is exciting to earn money, especially if you’re not used to having any, but it wears thin quickly if your earning potential never increases and you have to settle for anything you can get.

Although it seems like a big sacrifice to put your life on hold while you write supplementary exams, it is a small price to pay for all the years of a better future which lie ahead. It is worth doing merely to improve your options in life. (Particularly, improving on your Maths and Science marks if you have those as subjects, will allow you almost unlimited options in your study choices).

Matric rewrite supplementary exam

How to succeed in your supplementary exam

You will need to do things differently to ensure a better outcome than the first time you wrote your Grade 12 exams. You will need to be disciplined, to manage your time well, and to set some realistic study goals. Remember that a failed exam does not define you! The power is in your hands.

If you feel like you don’t know how to study correctly, and you suspect that this has adversely affected your marks, try a Study Skills Crash Course. If you did not understand some aspects of the work, you will need to get some help – either enroll at a college which offers matric rewrites, or do it yourself with the help of past papers and a tutor. A highly qualified tutor will be able to offer you academic and emotional support. Your tutor has walked the path ahead of you and knows what it takes to get the Matric results you want!

Give yourself every opportunity for a bright future and consider writing supplementary Matric examinations! Book a tutor to help you now!

Find out if you qualify to write a supplementary exam here


Matric Supplementary Exam Enquiry

To book a tutor please complete the form below (hourly rates start at R350/hr* online):

  • Include the subjects which you've registered to re-take.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Written by: Natalie Wilke, BrightSparkz Staff and Blog Writer

4 replies
  1. Nyameka
    Nyameka says:

    Would like to know if it happens that i got a diploma in matric and decide to write supplementary to improve my subjects.What if i fail those subjects? will i still have my diploma ?

    • Tessa Cooper
      Tessa Cooper says:

      Hi Nyameka. You’ll only be able to write supplementary exams if you:
      Need a higher grade to be able to apply for your chosen course or university / Need to pass 1 subject to qualify for a Bachelor’s degree / Were unable to write your final exams because of an illness.
      Were unable to write or finish your exam as a result of a death in the family or other reasons /
      Encountered an irregularity during the time of the NSC final examinations that is being investigated.
      If any of the above is the case, you can write. Your highest mark will be your final mark, so you won’t ever get a lower mark on your final Matric certificate by writing supplementary exams.
      However, please note that the deadline for applications for this year’s supplementary exams was 31 January.

  2. Noel
    Noel says:

    Hello , I registered to write the supplementary exams, which got postponed to November 2020 due to Covid.. However I have decided that I don’t want to write them any longer. What will happen? Will I get 0 on my final. Or will my initial nsc mark be left the same

    • Tessa Cooper
      Tessa Cooper says:

      Hi Noel, if you choose not to write supplementary exams your original NSC marks will appear on your Matric certificate.

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