Implementing Study & Organisational Skills: Achieving Learner Success

Implementing study & Organisational Skills: Achieving Learner Success

Organisational skills are a consistent work in progress that affect both adults and children alike throughout their academic and professional careers. The lack thereof creates barriers that influence an individual’s productivity and time management development. Therefore, remaining organised is one of the most vital aspects of student success – holistically. 

There are a variety of reasons why students struggle with organisational study skills. These include developing a comprehensive method and simply getting started! It is important to note that parents, guardians and primary caretakers serve as daily examples of what good organisation looks like. 

Routine is a student’s best guide to studying effectively and developing good organisation skills. The rhythm of repetitive patterns relating to what is expected out of a student, such as independent study, encourages long-term success. These skills will undoubtedly flow into all areas of their lives including but not limited to academia, extracurricular activities and personal responsibilities. 

Below are some techniques that will assist with beginning your effective study and organisational skills journey:

  • Keep Notes Organized & Updated

An investment in folders or arch files is significant in introducing the kind of organisation that motivates a student to section off their work in order of importance or relevance. Allowing them to choose the colour or design associated with these binders could enhance their appeal when managing them. 

Work that is produced during school, tutoring or independently should be allocated to the designated binder. A reasonable tip for the student would be to allocate the work according to the subject, as well as the classification it falls under. For example:

  • Tests & mock exams
  • Assignments 
  • Class notes
  • Study notes (based on textbooks)
  • Timetable 

The student’s timetable should be pasted either on the cover or first page of their binders. This encourages being able to retain what is expected of them on a daily and termly basis. 

  • Agendas

Getting into the habit of arranging agendas teaches students which activity or assignment requires prioritisation. Disorganised students will begin to value not missing due dates and understanding the reward with meeting deadlines. Such as a proud teacher or a satisfied parent, guardian or caregiver. 

The Study Skills Crash Course offered by BrightSparkz Tutors, assists with creating and implementing these agendas. Alternatively, create an agenda with the student based on their timetable and remain active regarding making sure they commit to the agenda. The European Journal of Social Psychology mentioned that “it takes 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit”, while it takes “66 days for a behaviour to become automatic”.

  • Illustrate Efficiency

Implementing a strict memorandum or “to do list” is important. Designating multiple subject activities and highlighting when they need to be completed by, will develop a sense of commitment to a task, while honouring when they mentioned it would be done by. 

  • Implement Written Planners

While we are progressively crossing over into a more technological age where appointments and tasks are documented on smart devices, there is noted psychological science that has proven “pen to paper” assists with boosting one’s memory. 

A written planner being implemented for learners from a young age, develop their sense of autonomy to carry out tasks to completion. Parents, guardians and primary caretakers should go through this daily with them to “sign off” off on the activities which have been accomplished. 

The planner should include independently composed notes (collated per subject), assignment due dates and a study timetable (inclusive of time allocation for independent written and verbal study time).

  • Visual Aid Assistance

Colour coordinating different subjects will serve as a mental note that heightens organisational skills, by coupling a visual aid to an assigned discipline. For example, if blue was coupled with Math’s, using blue sticky notes, labels or binders for anything Maths related would be systematic. 

These sorts of visual aid tools serve to create a methodical approach to a student’s organisation of their studies, as well as the skills they utilise to maintain this discipline. This extends as far as highlighting study notes and assigning various colours per subject. For example, a yellow highlighter could be assigned to content heavy subjects (Geography & History). 

  • Study Buddy or Study Motivator

Engaging with fellow parents about creating study groups or a study buddy will encourage the collective narrative of shared success. Alternatively, a parent, guardian or primary caregiver could become a motivator in the sense of checking in on the learner’s planner, agenda and notes to ensure they are sticking to their prescribed deadlines. 

  • Clean Workspace

A clean workspace encourages an organised mind. To be specific, your books, stationary and any other work aids spread all over one’s workspace in a disorderly fashion, breeds disorganisation. This will spill over into a student’s day to day life. For example, keeping a clean school bag, room and any general space being occupied is vital for organisational reasons. 

The purpose of this article was to highlight the stepping stones of organisational skills, which will undoubtedly lead to the longevity of a disciplined attitude toward responsibilities professionally and personally. 

The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone – BrightSparkz offers a Study Skills Crash Course for both primary school & high school learners! Find out more about our Study Skills Crash Course!



Written by Madalaine Bregger, BrightSparkz  Staff & Blog Writer

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